FCIP Phase II Industrial Project - Battle Creek, Michigan

AR Engineering provided design and inspection services for the FCIP Phase II Industrial project located on Watkins Road near Battle Creek, Michigan. Construction began in the late winter of 2023 and concluded in the spring of 2024. Inspection services consisted of GPS witnessing and as-built drawings of over 1,900 linear feet of C900 PVC water main and over 1,300 linear feet of sanitary main. One of the primary concerns was maintaining an eleven foot separation between the water and sanitary mains, which ran parallel along Watkins Road. Installation included a twelve-inch water main along Watkins Road, an eight-inch water main on the North side of the building and a four-inch domestic water service, which was all constructed using C900 PVC. In addition to the water main, two new hydrants and six new water valves were installed, as well as the completion of pressure and bacteria tests which were witnessed by the City of Battle Creek. Installation of sanitary included over 1,300 linear feet of PVC main, three new sanitary structures and tied into an existing structure on the East side of the property which continued South and then West along Watkins Road. Once installed, an air and mandrel test were completed by the contractor and witnessed by AR Engineering.


Authentix Housing Development - Kalamazoo, Michigan

AR Engineering provided design and inspection services for the Authentix housing development located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Construction began in late spring of 2023 and concluded in the winter of 2024. Inspection services included the GPS witnessing of over 2,800 linear feet of water main and over 2,700 linear feet of sanitary. Installations included two water main taps into the existing system, several deflections under utilities, nine new hydrants, eighteen water valves and twelve building services. Upon completion of construction, AR Engineering provided pressure testing while the City of Kalamazoo was on-site to witness. As-Built drawings of the water main system were provided to the City of Kalamazoo for their records. The new sanitary installation included tapping into the existing system along Beatrice Drive and N Avenue. The sanitary tap at N Avenue was done carefully, as the existing main was approximately nineteen (19) feet below the road surface. In addition to the 2,700 linear feet of new sanitary main, eight new manhole structures and twelve building services were installed.  Upon completion of the sanitary system, a pressure and mandrel test were performed and witnessed by AR Engineering prior to the system being available for use.


Depatie Fluid Power - Portage, Michigan

AR Engineering provided design and inspection services for the Depatie Fluid Power project located in Portage, Michigan. Water Main construction and inspection began in October 2023 which consisted of GPS witnessing of 526 linear feet of 12” ductile iron, 205’ of 8” ductile iron and pressure testing. Two new fire hydrants, two water valves and one building service were also installed and inspected. The Water Main was wrapped in poly due to the potentially corrosive soil located on the site.


Paw Paw Street Project - Lawrence, Michigan

AR Engineering designed and inspected the Paw Paw Street project in Lawrence, Michigan. This was a one mile cold milling and paving project that took approximately seven weeks to complete. The route began at the South village limit and continued North through town to the Paw Paw River bridge. Inspection services included all new ADA ramps, sidewalk, concrete curb and gutter, and storm water culverts. In addition, four new storm water structures were installed per MDOT requirements and AR Engineering provided inspection services for milling of the existing roadway, placement of the new HMA surface, and paint striping and markings once construction was completed.